პროექტი - მედიაგრაფიტი
გიორგი ტაბატაძე
ცვალებადი ზომები სმ.
Technological university is one particular story from media but at the same time it unites in itself two very important general lines investigated in this research that are repeating itself time and time again in many other forms and occasions. I call them two impossible points and pure representations.
In “Technological university” as well as in “Vertical” we see two contradicting elements gathered in one place. Here, in this case the Ferris Wheel is installed into the University building. So somehow this building serves educational purpose while at the same time is a place for carnival, entertainment. That is by itself a definition of contradiction and confusion. This confusion creates some kind of hybrid event (piece of architecture), that is not relevant for education purposes neither for attraction and entertainment. Again, this is a little imagery from media, not hugely significant event but that describes its time so well, opens up much deeper meanings behind seemingly unimportant, ridiculous things.
For more information about the project visit artist's webpage.